Hey friend.i am going to share a beat project aver about. A power bank this power bank is fully AI and Arduino based. This can support Q3.0 , fastcharging 3.0 and it output upto 92w. This is fully compatible for morden laptops and mobile phone that can handle fastcharging.
This is the successor to my ultimate 18650 power bank, this version focuses on practicality, portability, safety, and more advanced controls. This power bank is also modular and customizable in that it can be connected to modules that convert the power to AC, DC, USB, or other forms. The removable battery of 92Wh (Samsung 50E) means that it is close to the largest battery legally allowed on an airplane. This development version of the power bank is opensource, links below.
This is a best powerful power bank. I made power bank by in 3 steps. I share 1 only at this time.
WARNING: BEFORE YOU BUILD, you are responsible for your OWN safety, understand the hazards of working with lithium batteries first. I am not responsible for personal or property damage caused by this power bank!
If you go to make this power bank. You need to know about. BEFORE YOU BUILD: you mush have an advanced understanding of circuits and knows how to program a microcontroller.
The design files contain CAD, circuit design, illustrations and diagrams, documentation, purchase links. for complete design files, download from GrabCAD.
This the the code for the ultimate power bank V3
PLEASE NOTE: AS YOU ARE READING THIS, I am designing an updated version of this powerbank with STM32, the code is going also be re-written. Stayed tuned. I am not a professional programmer, my code is VERY MESSY, if you can improve on my code or introduce new functionality, that would be greatly apperciated!!!
I give all links and files and folders.
Codes for arduino board =CODE FOR ARDUINO IN GITHUB
You can also copy the codes here.
#include <ezButton.h> //ez button libary #include <Type4051Mux.h> //4051 MUx libary #include <FastLED.h> //LED RING Libaries #include <X9C.h> // digital pot, for changing charging current #include <Adafruit_GFX.h> //display graphics #include <TM1640.h> //LED matrix chip libary #include <TM16xxMatrixGFX.h> #include <Fonts/Picopixel.h> //small font for numbers //---------------------Setup phase--------------------------------- //Pin Declorations------------------------------------------------------ const int powerPin = 8; //Keep high to turn the powerbank on, low to immedialy turn off const int fanPin = 16; //high to turn fan on, low to turn fan off const int relayPin = 17; //relay pin to enable charging //multiplexer: Type4051Mux inMux(A7, INPUT, ANALOG, 5, 6, 7); //define Mux pins //set up buttons ezButton powerButton(11); // create ezButton object that attach to pin 6; ezButton usbButton(12); // create ezButton object that attach to pin 7; ezButton wirelessButton(13); // create ezButton object that attach to pin 8; //WS2812 LED ring: #define NUM_LEDS 24 //numbers of leds in the ring #define DATA_PIN 14 //pin to send data to led ring CRGB leds[NUM_LEDS]; // Define the array of leds int LEDBrightness = 10; //LED brightness in non-flashlight mode byte flashlightBrightness = 250; //defult led brightness in flashlight mode byte gHue = 0; // rotating "base color" used by many of the patterns //X9C103 digital Pot: #define INC 2 //to inc pin x9c #define UD 3 // to ud pin on x9c #define CS 4 // to cs pin x9c X9C pot; // create a pot controller //devices names and corrisponding pins const int usbOnPIN = 10; //usb QC 3.0 module pin const int modulePin = 9; //wireless charging module pin const int wirelessPin = 15; //wireless charging module pin //ACS712 Hall effect current sensor: int mVperAmp20A = 100; // use 100 for 20A; 100mV per amp int ACSoffset = 2500; double Voltage = 0; double Amps = 0; //8x16 I2C LED dot matrix display: TM1640 module(A4, A5); // I2C connection for LED matrix #define MODULE_SIZECOLUMNS 16 // number of GRD lines, will be the y-height of the display #define MODULE_SIZEROWS 8 // number of SEG lines, will be the x-width of the display TM16xxMatrixGFX matrix(&module, MODULE_SIZECOLUMNS, MODULE_SIZEROWS); // TM16xx object, columns, rows //100K NTC thermistor values: float R1 = 10000; float logR2, R2, T; float c1 = 1.009249522e-03, c2 = 2.378405444e-04, c3 = 2.019202697e-07; //Voltage mesureing values: float VinMv = 0.0; //raw voltage value in Mv float VdivR1 = 100000.0; // resistance of R1 (100K Ohm) for input voltage float VdivR0 = 47500.0; // resistance of R (47K Ohm) for battery voltage float VdivR2 = 10000.0; // resistance of R2 (10K Ohm) common //displayed texts values int textDelay = 1000; //how long between text displays unsigned long lastTextON; bool line1; String lineOneTEXT; String lineTwoTEXT; //Sensors Values: int batteryTempRAW; int chargingTempRAW; int caseTempRAW; int moduleTempRAW; int moduleConnectRAW; int batteryVoltageRAW; int inputVoltageRAW; int powerbankAmpRAW; int chargingAmpRAW; double powerbankAmp; double chargingAmp; double batteryTemp; double moduleTemp; double caseTemp; double chargingTemp; double batteryVoltage; double inputVoltage; double powerOutputWATT; bool moduleConnect; //modes #define NUM_MODES 10 //Update this number to the highest number of "cases" actually +1 because 0 is case 1 int ledMode = 0; bool chargingMode; bool fanOn = false; bool usbQcON = false; bool wirelessOn = false; bool moduleOn = false; bool inChargingMODE = false; //indicate that charging mode state; bool matrixShortON = false; bool flashlightMode = false; bool inModuleMODE = false; bool inQcMODE = false; bool inWirelessMODE = false; bool inputVoltageLOW = true; bool turnOnFINISHED = false; //other values: int readSensorINTERVAL = 1000; //every x milisecond read sensors int numLEDsVOLT; int batteryPercentage; int greenLEDsINTENSITY; bool ringVoltageON = false; //indicate LED ring voltage display on/off bool matrixVoltageON = false; //indicate matrix voltage diaplay on/off bool chargeFlashLED = false; //indicating the charge flash led is on or off int fanSpeed; //0-255 is 0-100% fan int displayTextCYCLE = 0; //times to switch display text mode int fanOnTEMP = 38; //temperature to turn the fan on float idlePowerWATT = 4; //if powerbank is drawing less than x watts, it is consided in idle. bool chargeCurrentLOW = false; //CC mode low current indication //int fanMaxTEMP = 48; //temperature fan speed reaches max //protection mechnisms: float currentLimit = 8.5; //maxium amount of current float maxBatteryVOLTAGE = 21.2; //maxium battery voltage - around 4.23V x num of cells (5s or 4s) float fullBatteryVOLTAGE = 20.7; //full battery voltage - slightly lower than max voltage or user defined float emptyBatteryVOLTAGE = 14; //maxium battery voltage - around 2.75V x num of cells (5s or 4s) float minBatteryVOLTAGE = 11; //minium battery voltage - around 2.2V x num of cells (5s or 4s) int fullBatteryADC; int emptyBatteryADC; int warnTimesLED = 4; //times warning leds flash int warnTimesMATRIX = 6; //times text would change bool overCurrentPROTEC = false; //start with over voltage protection off. bool overTempPROTEC = false; bool overVoltPROTEC = false; bool batteryFaultPROTEC = false; //time values: //buttons: int shortPressDURATION = 500; //max time hold for button press to be counted as short press int longPressDURATION = 1500; //max time hold for button press to be counted as long press int powerOffDURATION = 2000; //time to hold power button to turn off power bank int voltageUpdateTIME = 8000; //every x seconds in charging mode, update the battery voltage display int chargingFlashTIME = 500; //every x mili seconds in charging mode, flash the next ring voltage indicator led int matrixOnDELAY = 4500; //time it takes for matrix to turn off once displaying voltage int chargeCurrentCHECK = 10000; //if charging current stays low for 10 seconds, stop charging unsigned long idlePowerOFF = 90000; //how long it takes for powerbank to auto shut off when less than idle power unsigned long lastChargeCURRENT; unsigned long currentMillis; unsigned long timeSinceUPDATE; unsigned long timeSinceFLASH; unsigned long idleTime; unsigned long lastInputVOLTAGEhigh; int powerTimeHOLD; unsigned long powerTimePRESSED; unsigned long lastDisplayTEXT; unsigned long powerTimeRELEASED; int usbTimeHOLD; unsigned long usbTimePRESSED; unsigned long usbTimeRELEASED; int wirelessTimeHOLD; unsigned long wirelessTimePRESSED; unsigned long wirelessTimeRELEASED; unsigned long matrixOnTIME; unsigned long lastCurrentCHECK = 0; unsigned long lastUpdateTIME = 0; unsigned long lastActiveTIME; unsigned long lastFlashTIME = 0; unsigned long preMillisLED = 0; unsigned long preMillisWARN = 0; unsigned long preMillisDISPLAY1 = 0; unsigned long preMillisDISPLAY2 = 0; unsigned long firstOnTIME; const long interval = 4000; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); //define devices signal pin as output pinMode(fanPin,OUTPUT); pinMode(powerPin,OUTPUT); pinMode(usbOnPIN,OUTPUT); pinMode(modulePin,OUTPUT); pinMode(wirelessPin,OUTPUT); pinMode(relayPin,OUTPUT); digitalWrite(powerPin,HIGH); //keep the powerbank on pot.begin(CS,INC,UD); //initialize digital pot.. //pot.setPot(10,true); //set pot to 100% of highest value LEDS.addLeds<WS2812,DATA_PIN,RGB>(leds,NUM_LEDS); //intialize LEDS //the real order is Green, Red, blue fullBatteryADC = 1023 * (fullBatteryVOLTAGE * VdivR2 / (VdivR2 + VdivR0)) / 5; //calculating full battery voltage in adc value emptyBatteryADC = 1023 * (emptyBatteryVOLTAGE * VdivR2 / (VdivR2 + VdivR0)) / 5; //calculating empty battery voltage in adc value //turning on actions. readSensors(); mapVoltages (); //map voltages onto displays and prencntages LEDRingDisplayVOLTAGE (); //displays voltages on LED ring matrixDisplayPRECENT (); //display battery precentage on led matrix firstOnTIME = millis(); //set ontime counter to zero ringVoltageON = true; //indicate that the ring is on powerButton.setDebounceTime(50); // set debounce time to 50 milliseconds usbButton.setDebounceTime(50); // set debounce time to 50 milliseconds wirelessButton.setDebounceTime(50); // set debounce time to 50 milliseconds } //end void Setup void loop() { //Main code OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO //Serial.println("New loop begin"); currentMillis = millis(); //set current time to miliseconds since started. EVERY_N_MILLISECONDS(readSensorINTERVAL) { //fast LED lib timer, read sensors every (interval) second readSensors(); interpretValues (); }//end every (interval) sec actions if(matrixShortON == true && currentMillis - matrixOnTIME > matrixOnDELAY){ //in matrix activated for a short time, turn it off displayOff (); matrixShortON = false; }//end if matrix short on idleTime = currentMillis - lastActiveTIME; //Serial.print(idleTime); if(powerOutputWATT >= idlePowerWATT || flashlightMode == true || chargingMode == true) { //if powerbank power consumption is larger than idle power watt, or in charging or flashlight, reset auto off timer. lastActiveTIME = millis(); //set last active time to current time. } // end auto off sequence if(idleTime >= idlePowerOFF) { //if powerbank is idle for longer than idle power off seconds, SHUT DOWN Serial.println("time out power off"); lineOneTEXT = ("TIME"); lineTwoTEXT = ("OUT"); matrix.fillScreen(LOW); matrix.write(); matrix.setCursor(0,5); matrix.print(lineOneTEXT); matrix.write(); delay(800); matrix.setCursor(0,5); matrix.fillScreen(LOW); matrix.write(); matrix.print(lineTwoTEXT); matrix.write(); delay(800); powerOff (); } //end if idle power off powerButton.loop(); // loop for buttons (constantly detecting state) usbButton.loop(); wirelessButton.loop(); if (powerButton.isPressed()){ //begin power button pressed actions powerTimePRESSED = millis(); } //end if usb is pressed if(powerButton.isReleased()){ powerTimeRELEASED = millis(); powerTimeHOLD = powerTimeRELEASED - powerTimePRESSED; if(powerTimeHOLD <= shortPressDURATION){ if(flashlightMode == false && matrixShortON == false) { //if flashlight mode is false, display voltages on matrix mapVoltages (); matrixDisplayPRECENT (); //display battery precentage on led matrix matrixOnTIME = millis(); //reset matrix on timer matrixShortON = true; }//end if flashlight mode false short press actions if(flashlightMode == true) { //if flashlightmode is true, switch mode ledMode++; if (ledMode > NUM_MODES){ ledMode=0; } }//end if flashlight mode true short press actions }//end power button pressed actions if(powerTimeHOLD > shortPressDURATION && powerTimeHOLD <= longPressDURATION && turnOnFINISHED == true){ if(flashlightMode == false){ flashlightMode = true; } //end if else{ ledRingOFF (); //turn ring off flashlightMode = false; } //end flashlight mode flip flop }//end power long press actions }//end power button pressed trigger actions int powerButtonSTATE = powerButton.getState(); int powerHoldTIME = currentMillis - powerTimePRESSED; if (powerButtonSTATE == 0 && powerHoldTIME >= powerOffDURATION){ // if power button is held for longer than x mili sec, POWER OFF Serial.print("POWERING OFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"); powerOff (); } //end all power button actions if (usbButton.isPressed()){ //begin usb button pressed actions usbTimePRESSED = millis(); } //end if usb is pressed if(usbButton.isReleased()){ usbTimeRELEASED = millis(); usbTimeHOLD = usbTimeRELEASED - usbTimePRESSED; if(usbTimeHOLD <= shortPressDURATION){ if(flashlightMode == true ) { if(flashlightBrightness <= 220) { flashlightBrightness = flashlightBrightness + 30; } }//end if flashlight mode is on short press usb actions if(flashlightMode == false) { if(usbQcON == false){ usbQcON = true; } else{ usbQcON = false; } //end usb qc flip flop } }//end all short press actions if(usbTimeHOLD > shortPressDURATION && usbTimeHOLD <= longPressDURATION){ } }//end usb button pressed trigger actions if (wirelessButton.isPressed()){ //begin wireless button actions wirelessTimePRESSED = millis(); } //end if usb is pressed if(wirelessButton.isReleased()){ wirelessTimeRELEASED = millis(); wirelessTimeHOLD = wirelessTimeRELEASED - wirelessTimePRESSED; if(wirelessTimeHOLD <= shortPressDURATION){ if(flashlightMode == true ) { if( flashlightBrightness >= 30) { flashlightBrightness = flashlightBrightness - 30; } }//end if flashlight mode is on short press wireless actions if(flashlightMode == false) { if(wirelessOn == false){ wirelessOn = true; } else{ wirelessOn = false; } //end wireless module flip flop } }//end all short press wireless button actions if(wirelessTimeHOLD > shortPressDURATION && wirelessTimeHOLD <= longPressDURATION){ if(moduleOn == false && moduleConnect == true){ moduleOn = true; } else{ moduleOn = false; } //end extermal module flip flop } }//end wireless button pressed trigger actions if (wirelessOn == true && inWirelessMODE == false){ //Wireless on actions (once) lineOneTEXT = ("ON"); lineTwoTEXT = ("WIR"); lastDisplayTEXT = millis (); digitalWrite(wirelessPin,HIGH); inWirelessMODE = true; } //end Pd on actions if (wirelessOn == false && inWirelessMODE == true){ //Wireless off actions (once) lineOneTEXT = ("OFF"); lineTwoTEXT = ("WIR"); lastDisplayTEXT = millis (); digitalWrite(wirelessPin,LOW); ledRingOFF (); inWirelessMODE = false; } //end Qc on actions if (inWirelessMODE == true){ //breath blue led while charging fill_solid( &(leds[0]), 24 /*number of leds*/, CRGB( 30, 0, 255) ); float breath = (exp(sin(millis()/2000.0*PI)) - 0.36787944)*5.0; FastLED.setBrightness(breath); FastLED.show(); }//end in wireless mode breathe blue led if (usbQcON == true && inQcMODE == false){ //Qc on actions (once) lineOneTEXT = ("ON"); lineTwoTEXT = ("USB"); lastDisplayTEXT = millis (); digitalWrite(usbOnPIN,HIGH); inQcMODE = true; } //end Pd on actions if (usbQcON == false && inQcMODE == true){ //Qc off actions (once) lineOneTEXT = ("OFF"); lineTwoTEXT = ("USB"); lastDisplayTEXT = millis (); digitalWrite(usbOnPIN,LOW); inQcMODE = false; } //end Qc on actions if (moduleOn == true && inModuleMODE == false){ //module on actions (once) lineOneTEXT = ("ON"); lineTwoTEXT = ("EXTR"); lastDisplayTEXT = millis (); digitalWrite(modulePin,HIGH); inModuleMODE = true; } //end module on actions if (moduleOn == false && inModuleMODE == true){ //module off actions (once) lineOneTEXT = ("OFF"); lineTwoTEXT = ("EXTR"); lastDisplayTEXT = millis (); digitalWrite(modulePin,LOW); inModuleMODE = false; } //end module on actions if(moduleOn == true || usbQcON == true || wirelessOn == true) { //display battery percentage periodocally if (currentMillis - lastDisplayTEXT > 2100) { timeSinceUPDATE = millis(); if(timeSinceUPDATE - lastUpdateTIME >= voltageUpdateTIME) { mapVoltages (); //map voltages onto displays and prencntages displayOff(); matrixDisplayPRECENT (); //display battery percent lastUpdateTIME = timeSinceUPDATE; //resetting the update timer } }//end update charging status screens }//end display voltages if(turnOnFINISHED == true){ if (currentMillis - lastDisplayTEXT <= 2000){ //display texts for two seconds displayTexts(); }//end display texts if (currentMillis - lastDisplayTEXT > 2000 && currentMillis - lastDisplayTEXT < 2100){ displayOff (); }//end display texts } if (ringVoltageON == true && currentMillis - firstOnTIME >= 3000) { //after interval, turn off all LEDs and display LEDFadeBLACK (); displayOff (); turnOnFINISHED = true; ringVoltageON = false; }//end LEDs fading to black. if(currentMillis - lastInputVOLTAGEhigh > 3500) { inputVoltageLOW = true; }//end latching input voltage if(inputVoltage > 10){ lastInputVOLTAGEhigh = currentMillis; inputVoltageLOW = false; } if(chargingMode == true){ //action to do when input voltage is in range inChargingMODE = true; //indicate that charging mode state; for(int k = 0; k < 1; k++) { LEDRingDisplayVOLTAGE (); }//end initial voltage display lastChargeCURRENT = millis(); timeSinceUPDATE = millis(); timeSinceFLASH = millis(); if(timeSinceUPDATE - lastUpdateTIME >= voltageUpdateTIME) { mapVoltages (); //map voltages onto displays and prencntages displayOff(); matrixDisplayPRECENT (); //display battery percent ledRingOFF (); LEDS.setBrightness(LEDBrightness); // 0-255 value fill_solid( &(leds[0]), numLEDsVOLT, CRGB( greenLEDsINTENSITY, 180, 0) ); FastLED.show(); lastUpdateTIME = timeSinceUPDATE; //resetting the update timer }//end update charging status screens if(timeSinceFLASH - lastFlashTIME >= chargingFlashTIME) { if(chargeFlashLED == false) { leds[numLEDsVOLT].setRGB( greenLEDsINTENSITY, 180, 0); FastLED.show(); chargeFlashLED = true; } else { leds[numLEDsVOLT] = CRGB::Black; //set led to black FastLED.show(); chargeFlashLED = false; } lastFlashTIME = timeSinceFLASH; //resetting the Flash timer }//end flash charging status LED if(batteryTemp <= 40 && chargingTemp <= 55){ //if temps are low, use full charging speed if(inputVoltage < 6){ //if voltage is less than 6V use charge using 10W pot.setPot(10); } //end first 10W charging mode if(inputVoltage >= 6 && inputVoltage < 14){ //15W charging mode pot.setPot(20); } //end 15W charging mode if(inputVoltage >= 14 && inputVoltage < 17){ //30W charging mode pot.setPot(25); } //end 30W charging mode if(inputVoltage >= 17 && inputVoltage < 21){ //40W charging mode pot.setPot(35); } //end 40W charging mode if(inputVoltage >= 21 && inputVoltage < 28){ //60W charging mode pot.setPot(54); } //end 60W charging mode delay(10); }//end normal charging mode else{ pot.setPot(10); } //end thermal throttle if(chargingAmp > 0.2){ lastCurrentCHECK = lastChargeCURRENT; Serial.println("LOW CHARG CURR"); } if(lastChargeCURRENT - lastCurrentCHECK >= chargeCurrentCHECK){ chargeCurrentLOW = true; Serial.println("low charging current trigger"); } digitalWrite(relayPin, HIGH); }//end if charging mode is on if(chargingMode == false && inChargingMODE == true ) { inChargingMODE = false; LEDFadeBLACK (); displayOff (); pot.setPot(0); //set pot to x% of highest value delay(50); digitalWrite(relayPin, LOW); } if(batteryVoltage <= fullBatteryVOLTAGE){ chargeCurrentLOW = false; //Serial.println("charge resert"); } if (overCurrentPROTEC == true || overTempPROTEC == true || overVoltPROTEC == true || batteryFaultPROTEC == true) { //activate warninng LED if system exceedes nominal value displayTexts (); if (currentMillis - preMillisWARN >= 1500 && warnTimesLED <= 4) { LEDS.setBrightness(20); fill_solid( &(leds[0]), 24 /*number of leds*/, CRGB( 0, 255, 0) ); //fill all leds red. FastLED.show(); delay (100); ledRingOFF (); Serial.print("OVER CURRENT text 1"); preMillisWARN = currentMillis; warnTimesLED ++; }//end for loop warning lights }//end over current protection if(flashlightMode == true){ switch (ledMode) { case 0: coolWhite(); break; case 1: warmWhite(); break; case 2: pureRed(); break; case 3: pureOrange(); break; case 4: pureYellow(); break; case 5: pureGreen(); break; case 6: pureBlue(); break; case 7: purePurple (); break; case 8: rainbow (); break; case 9: confetti (); break; case 10: rainbowComet (); break; }//end define led modes EVERY_N_MILLISECONDS( 30 ) { gHue++; } FastLED.show(); }//end if flashlight mode on }//end void loop void readSensors() { //OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO batteryTempRAW = inMux.read(4); //read overall powerbank power consumption chargingTempRAW = inMux.read(6); // read module power consumptionn caseTempRAW = inMux.read(5); //read USB & wireless charging power consumption moduleTempRAW = inMux.read(7); //read battery temp raw batteryVoltageRAW = inMux.read(0); //read charging circuit temp inputVoltageRAW = inMux.read(3); //read battery voltage powerbankAmpRAW = inMux.read(2); //read charging input voltage chargingAmpRAW = inMux.read(1); //see if module 1 is connected moduleConnectRAW = analogRead(A6); //read module connect status //calculating amps in and out: Voltage = (chargingAmpRAW / 1023.0) * 5000; // Gets mV for modules amps chargingAmp = ((Voltage - ACSoffset) / mVperAmp20A); Voltage = (powerbankAmpRAW / 1023.0) * 5000; // Gets mV for modules amps powerbankAmp = ((Voltage - ACSoffset) / mVperAmp20A); //calculating temperatures: R2 = R1 * ((float)batteryTempRAW / (1023.0 - (float)batteryTempRAW)); //calculating battery temp logR2 = log(R2); batteryTemp = (1.0 / (c1 + c2*logR2 + c3*logR2*logR2*logR2)); batteryTemp = batteryTemp - 273.15; R2 = R1 * ((float)chargingTempRAW / (1023.0 - (float)chargingTempRAW)); //calculating charging temp logR2 = log(R2); chargingTemp = (1.0 / (c1 + c2*logR2 + c3*logR2*logR2*logR2)); chargingTemp = chargingTemp - 273.15; R2 = R1 * ((float)caseTempRAW / (1023.0 - (float)caseTempRAW)); //calculating case temperature logR2 = log(R2); caseTemp = (1.0 / (c1 + c2*logR2 + c3*logR2*logR2*logR2)); caseTemp = caseTemp - 273.15; R2 = R1 * ((float)moduleTempRAW / (1023.0 - (float)moduleTempRAW)); //calculating case temperature logR2 = log(R2); moduleTemp = (1.0 / (c1 + c2*logR2 + c3*logR2*logR2*logR2)); moduleTemp = moduleTemp - 273.15; //calculating voltages: VinMv = (batteryVoltageRAW * 5.0) / 1023.0; //battery voltage calculation batteryVoltage = VinMv / (VdivR2/(VdivR0+VdivR2)); VinMv = (inputVoltageRAW * 5.0) / 1023.0; //input voltage calculation inputVoltage = VinMv / (VdivR2/(VdivR1+VdivR2)); if ( moduleConnectRAW > 700 ) { //compute module connected or not moduleConnect = 1; } else { moduleConnect = 0; } powerOutputWATT = (batteryVoltage * powerbankAmp); //calculating power output in watts Serial.println(" "); Serial.print("battery voltage = "); Serial.println(batteryVoltage); Serial.print("input voltage = "); Serial.println(inputVoltage); Serial.print("battery temp = "); Serial.println(batteryTemp); Serial.print("charging circuit temp = "); Serial.println(chargingTemp); Serial.print("output circuit temp = "); Serial.println(caseTemp); Serial.print("module temp = "); Serial.println(moduleTemp); Serial.print("module connect = "); Serial.println(moduleConnect); Serial.print("output current = "); Serial.println(powerbankAmp); Serial.print("chgarging current = "); Serial.println(chargingAmp); Serial.print("output power = "); Serial.println(powerOutputWATT); Serial.println(" "); //delay(1000); }//end Void Readsensors.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxx void interpretValues () { if (powerbankAmp > currentLimit) { //if powerbank exceeds current limit, trigger overcurrent protection overCurrentPROTEC = true; warnTimesLED = 0; outputOff (); lineOneTEXT = ("OVER"); lineTwoTEXT = ("POW"); lastDisplayTEXT = millis (); displayTexts (); } //end if over current protection else { overCurrentPROTEC = false; } if (batteryTemp > 52 || caseTemp > 65 || chargingTemp > 66 || moduleTemp > 65) { //if these temperatures (in degrees C) are exceded, trigger over temp protection outputOff (); lineOneTEXT = ("OVER"); lineTwoTEXT = ("TEMP"); lastDisplayTEXT = millis (); displayTexts (); }//end if over temp protection else{ overTempPROTEC = false; }//end over general temp protection if (batteryVoltage < minBatteryVOLTAGE || batteryVoltage > (maxBatteryVOLTAGE + 1)) { //if battery is under min voltage, trigger under voltage protection. batteryFaultPROTEC = true; outputOff (); warnTimesLED = 0; lineOneTEXT = ("BATT"); lineTwoTEXT = ("BAD"); displayTexts (); } else { batteryFaultPROTEC = false; }//end under voltage protection if (batteryVoltage < emptyBatteryVOLTAGE && batteryVoltage > minBatteryVOLTAGE) { //low power shut off outputOff (); lineOneTEXT = ("LOW"); lineTwoTEXT = ("BATT"); matrix.fillScreen(LOW); matrix.write(); matrix.setCursor(0,5); matrix.print(lineOneTEXT); matrix.write(); delay(800); matrix.setCursor(0,5); matrix.fillScreen(LOW); matrix.write(); matrix.print(lineTwoTEXT); matrix.write(); delay(800); powerOff (); } //end low voltage power off if (inputVoltageLOW == false && inputVoltage < 28 && batteryFaultPROTEC == false && overTempPROTEC == false && chargeCurrentLOW == false ) { //if input voltage is over 4.5V, and if over 28V, dont charge to protect electronics chargingMode = true; } else{ chargingMode = false; } //end if enter charging mode if(moduleTemp > 60) { //if module temp is grater than x, turn it off moduleOn = false; digitalWrite(modulePin,LOW); }//end module over heat int higherTemp = max(caseTemp,chargingTemp); //takes the higher temperature value of the two sensors //Serial.println(higherTemp); if (fanOn == false && higherTemp > 42){ //if temperature is lower than fanOnTEMP, turn off fan digitalWrite (fanPin, HIGH); fanOn = true; } if (fanOn == true && higherTemp < 37){ //if temperature is lower than fanOnTEMP, turn off fan digitalWrite (fanPin, LOW); fanOn = false; }//end fan on or off control } //end interpret values XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX void displayTexts (){ //display two line texts for warning, status and power off/on if(currentMillis - lastTextON > textDelay){ lastTextON = millis(); if(line1 == false){ line1 = true; matrix.fillScreen(LOW); matrix.write(); matrix.setCursor(0,5); matrix.print(lineTwoTEXT); matrix.write(); } else{ matrix.setCursor(0,5); matrix.fillScreen(LOW); matrix.write(); matrix.print(lineOneTEXT); matrix.write(); line1 = false; displayTextCYCLE++; }//end else } }//end matrix display texts void LEDFadeBLACK () { Serial.println("turning off leds"); for (int fadeValue = LEDBrightness; fadeValue >= 1; fadeValue --) { LEDS.setBrightness(fadeValue); FastLED.show(); //fadeValue --; delay(20); } //end reduceing value ringVoltageON = false; ledRingOFF (); }//end LED fade balck void mapVoltages () { //map voltages onto display value OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo int ADCbatteryV = batteryVoltageRAW; //batteryVoltageRAW goes here if( ADCbatteryV >= fullBatteryADC ) { ADCbatteryV = fullBatteryADC; } if( ADCbatteryV <= emptyBatteryADC ) { ADCbatteryV = emptyBatteryADC; } greenLEDsINTENSITY = map(ADCbatteryV, emptyBatteryADC, fullBatteryADC, 0, 255); //maps battery voltage to LED color, lower voltage, more red. Higher voltage, more green numLEDsVOLT = map(ADCbatteryV, emptyBatteryADC, fullBatteryADC, 0, NUM_LEDS); //maps battery voltage to number of leds, higher voltage, more LEDs lit. batteryPercentage = map(ADCbatteryV, emptyBatteryADC, fullBatteryADC, 0, 100); //maps battery voltage to a precentage number (0-100%) }//end map Voltages void LEDRingDisplayVOLTAGE () { //LED ring display voltage OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO //Serial.println(numLEDsVOLT); LEDS.setBrightness(LEDBrightness); // 0-255 value for(int i = 0; i <= numLEDsVOLT; i++) { // Set the i'th led to red leds[i] = CRGB(greenLEDsINTENSITY, 180, 0); // Show the leds FastLED.show(); delay(30); } //end for loop led } //end void LEDRingDisplayVOLTAGE void matrixDisplayPRECENT () { //displays battery precentage onto matrix OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO matrix.setIntensity(1); // Use a value between 0 and 7 for brightness matrix.setRotation(1); matrix.setMirror(true); // set X-mirror true when using the WeMOS D1 mini Matrix LED Shield (X0=Seg1/R1, Y0=GRD1/C1) matrix.setFont(&Picopixel); if(batteryPercentage < 10) { //center screen if less than 10% matrix.setCursor(5,5); }//end if if(batteryPercentage >= 10 && batteryPercentage < 100) { //center screen if between 10 and 100 percent matrix.setCursor(3,5); }//end if if(batteryPercentage == 100) { //center screen if 100 percent matrix.setCursor(1,5); }//end if matrix.print(batteryPercentage); matrix.println("%"); matrix.write(); matrixVoltageON = true; } //end matrixDisplayPRECENT; //BEGIN LED modes in flashlightmode ---------------------------- void coolWhite () { FastLED.setBrightness(flashlightBrightness); //set led to flashlight brightness. fill_solid( &(leds[0]), 24 /*number of leds*/, CRGB( 255, 255, 255) ); //fill all leds cool white }//end cool white set code void warmWhite () { //warm white led mode FastLED.setBrightness(flashlightBrightness); //set led to flashlight brightness. fill_solid( &(leds[0]), 24 /*number of leds*/, CRGB( 200, 255, 30) ); //fill all leds warm white }//end warm white set code void pureRed () { FastLED.setBrightness(flashlightBrightness); //set led to flashlight brightness. fill_solid( &(leds[0]), 24 /*number of leds*/, CRGB( 0, 255, 0) ); //fill all leds red }//end pure red set code void pureOrange () { FastLED.setBrightness(flashlightBrightness); //set led to flashlight brightness. fill_solid( &(leds[0]), 24 /*number of leds*/, CRGB( 30, 255, 0) ); //fill all leds orange color }//end pure orange set code void pureYellow () { FastLED.setBrightness(flashlightBrightness); //set led to flashlight brightness. fill_solid( &(leds[0]), 24 /*number of leds*/, CRGB( 110, 255, 0) ); //fill all leds yellow color }//end pure yellow set code void pureGreen () { FastLED.setBrightness(flashlightBrightness); //set led to flashlight brightness. fill_solid( &(leds[0]), 24 /*number of leds*/, CRGB( 255, 0, 0) ); //fill all leds green }//end pure green set code void pureBlue () { FastLED.setBrightness(flashlightBrightness); //set led to flashlight brightness. fill_solid( &(leds[0]), 24 /*number of leds*/, CRGB( 0, 0, 255) ); //fill all leds warm blue }//end pureBlue set code void purePurple () { FastLED.setBrightness(flashlightBrightness); //set led to flashlight brightness. fill_solid( &(leds[0]), 24 /*number of leds*/, CRGB( 0, 255, 170) ); //fill all leds purple }//end purple set code void rainbow() { // FastLED's built-in rainbow generator FastLED.setBrightness(flashlightBrightness); //set led to flashlight brightness. fill_rainbow( leds, NUM_LEDS, gHue, 3); }//end rainbow mode void confetti() { // random colored speckles that blink in and fade smoothly FastLED.setBrightness(flashlightBrightness); //set led to flashlight brightness. fadeToBlackBy( leds, NUM_LEDS, 10); int pos = random16(NUM_LEDS); leds[pos] += CHSV( gHue + random8(64), 200, 255); }//end confetti void rainbowComet() { // a colored dot sweeping back and forth, with fading trails FastLED.setBrightness(flashlightBrightness); //set led to flashlight brightness. fadeToBlackBy( leds, NUM_LEDS, 20); int pos = beatsin16( 13, 0, NUM_LEDS-1 ); leds[pos] += CHSV( gHue, 255, 192); } //end rainbowComet //end flashlight Modes void displayOff () { Serial.print("display off"); matrix.fillScreen(LOW); matrix.write(); } //end turning led display off void ledRingOFF () { Serial.print("Led ring off"); FastLED.clear(); // clear all pixel data FastLED.show(); //this refeshes the led display data } void outputOff () { Serial.print("Output off"); flashlightMode = false; ledRingOFF (); usbQcON = false; moduleOn = false; wirelessOn = false; digitalWrite(usbOnPIN,LOW); digitalWrite(modulePin,LOW); digitalWrite(wirelessPin,LOW); } //end turing modules off actions void powerOff () { Serial.print("Powering OFF"); flashlightMode = false; outputOff(); displayOff(); lineOneTEXT = ("Powr"); lineTwoTEXT = ("OFF"); matrix.fillScreen(LOW); matrix.write(); matrix.setCursor(0,5); matrix.print(lineOneTEXT); matrix.write(); delay(800); matrix.setCursor(0,5); matrix.fillScreen(LOW); matrix.write(); matrix.print(lineTwoTEXT); matrix.write(); delay(800); digitalWrite(powerPin,LOW); } //end poweroff actions
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